Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Things That Aren't There Anymore...Or Are They?

I just finished eating a piece of Elio's pizza, which proves that Elio's pizza lives. There are two boxes nestled in the basement freezer among the tubs of homemade cat food. It wasn't actually a whole piece; I think it was 2/3 of a slab, or maybe half.

Last week, the Highest C went on one of his shopping jaunts in the Qpon Kng Mobile. When he came home, he announced to the assembled masses, "You'll have to start auditioning corned beef hashes! Shop-Rite doesn't carry Broadcast anymore!"

This is really bad news! I think we have tried others without much success. So I did what any right-thinking geek would do: I googled "Broadcast Hash" and discovered that Amazon.com lists it, and so do a couple of other sites including one that bills itself as a purveyor of hard to find groceries. Alas, none of them had the stuff in stock. I guess it's not made anymore.

Not long before this, I was having a conversation with someone about grooming cats, and something she said made a neuron or two fire, and led me to google another long-lost product...

Do I dare try to order this and hope it's the same stuff?

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