Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Name Game...Starring the Littlest Jones

...someone has found their words...and just in case you didn't get the name, press play...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Watch out Indy, here we come!

So on our way home, Dad and i are going to stop and spend the day at the Indy 500! I found a hotel (which was the hardest part) and booked it so we're set!

We should be home sometime Monday, May 26th.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

blah blah blah again

I'm hoping that a bird flies into a window and cracks it, a patio glass table randomly shatters, or someones dog throws up their underwear because these blogs need some new and exciting posts!

Miss Everyone!

Love, Ally!

Monday, May 5, 2008

And the answer is....

Yeah, yeah, yeah, the First Mate did it with the Camera in the Master Bathroom.

Siriusly, it is a towel that fell off its little hook and landed on the floor, just as you see it in the photo.