Monday, December 31, 2007

17 - 0 Beat That!

Just letting everyone know... we were 17 -0 in fantasy. I think that deserves a big congrats. And i don't want to hear any crap about who I have on my team. You had the chance to pick whoever you wanted! It helps to have an offensive coordinator who doesn't have favorite NFL teams!

17 -0 Baby!

But, we did keep the cup in the McFatridge family!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

An Eventful Week in Maryland!

The stockings were hung by the window with care and Sirius knew St Nicholas had been there! He kinda got into everything a few days early, so what the heck... we just tore into the gifts under the tree!

And then there was family!! Simply too much to tell you about... we greeted visitors from afar (a.k.a. Pennsylvania) as they brought us gifts of Spices, Chocolate, and other goodies! Before heading over to the Ranch to celebrate with the Richardson's, we had our own little concert... courtesy of Rock Band!! Mom and Grandmom rocked out vocals, Boop on Bass, and Joe on Guitar... and let me tell you, The Who never sounded this good!!

We had a great dinner with the Richardsons and everyone really did well with the "J Gifts!" Personally, Grandpa did the best! ;)

And then there's Sirius... who got the good old "Snipperooni" today!! He went into the vet with tail wagging and kisses for all of the nurses! He was so proud to weigh in at a whopping 23.8 pounds!

The vet called me at about 2pm to let me know that everything went well! They successfully took his manhood, along with a dewclaw, and he would be ready to come home this evening. Then, she went on to tell me that he still has a baby tooth (a true Mcfatridge... losing teeth late!), that another tooth had cracked (no more ice cubes or rawhides!), and that he has to take it easy.

She's trying not to giggle as she tells me all of this and then comes the kicker... she proceeded to tell me that sometimes the anesthesia makes puppies sick and they often throw up a little bit... but usually its not much of a worry. Except in our case... when the put our pup on the operating table, he started to yak... and yak... and yak. After any food that was in him came out, he yaked a little more... and out came a pair of panties! A Red Thong. Whole.

Yep; the damn dog swallowed my only sexy unders... which are not so secret anymore!

She cautioned me that usually they have to do a whole surgery to get "foreign objects" out of puppies bellies, so really, he saved me some cash!

At 5pm, thoroughly mortified, we picked up our little patient... who looks like he's been through the ringer....

Moral of the story: Make sure you thoroughly clean when preparing for family to visit... don't just throw everything on the floor into a closet... and don't assume that the dog won't escape from the kitchen when you leave him all afternoon!

Merry Christmas!!

Christmas with the High Cs

Herewith is a primer for all ye spouses and mates seeking entrance into this family, or being dragged in kicking and screaming! Pictured here are some of the traditions and rituals, such as wasting tons of bandwith trying to get just the right tree shot, trying in vain to get the cats to do something cute in the right place and without demon eyes, and, possibly most importantly for neophytes, the shots of the wrapping paper!

Oh, and we sorta look like we are having fun, too. Thanks for all the neat gifts, everybody!

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Saturday, December 8, 2007

New Puppy

Blue girls come in every size
Some are wise and some otherwise

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Happy Holidays from the Happiest Place on Earth...

please don't tell my employer. ;-) Here is a glimpse of Christmas at Disneyland - starting off with In N Out's Caribbean-flavored Christmas party at the Disneyland Hotel's Grand Ballroom. Believe me when I tell you - not a Double Double in sight (unless you count my chins after the buffet bounty...!) After a night in a hotel surrounded by myriad subliminal Mickey's, Joe and I took in Main Street USA (West Coast style) at Disneyland. was quite a treat to forsake the demands of the holiday season to spin wildly on Space Mountain (twice!) even if it did come with the threat of being sold into slavery when Pirates 'crashed' mid-ride...