Friday, September 28, 2007

Scandal on the high Cs???

What intrepid blogger posted that "Meet the High Cs" link that now adorns our main page? What little paparazzo or paparazza uploaded secret blackmail photos of family members at 40th birthday parties? Especially the shot of the C sisters that looks like a bad press photo for a far off-off-Broad Street version of THE BIRD CAGE, "we are fam-uh-lee...I got all my sisters with meeee..."

And what member of the High Cs was captured on 21st century celluloid in black and white, with a mysterious (or not so mysterious) gentleman, in the back of a limo, on October FIFTH, 2005, according to the caption??


Or maybe it was just a typo.


abc said...

...scandal...I'll give you scandal...where the 7734 is my HYPHEN?!

laurel said...

mmm and the date Boop ...October 5, 2005 good day, but not accurate!

Joe said...
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Joe said...

Clearly I was in need of a vacation!! ;) Mom's birthday was on the brain!

...and that link has been there for a few weeks... have been waiting to see how long it took for you all to catch on!


abc said...

...okay, now really confused...where did the link to the site we didn't know about disappear that's a scandal.

Roars said...

Someone removed it... :-/