Sunday, September 16, 2007

More Emmys

Well it seems I can now post from my laptop with my own account.


I was wondering why this broadcast was not in surround sound. I knew I was on the HD channel but there was no blue light. Turned out the blue light was hiding behind a blue cat.

I'm a little bored.


Cheryl Leigh said...

Alec Baldwin looks like he should come take my drink order.

Meanwhile on NBC, the pithy commentary proffered by Al Michaels and John Madden centers around veteran referee Ed Hokule not working any post-season games last year. The ref was calling a penalty at the time. Did the Pats steal his signal?

Cheryl Leigh said...

Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!

Cheryl Leigh said...

Doze Joisy Boyz are good...and thir introducing the Supramos was apropros on more than one level!

Cheryl Leigh said...

wow, well done Prime Suspect!

Cheryl Leigh said...

speaking of PBS did you all know (or care) that WHYY went on the air exactly 50 years ago today? Which means it shares its birthday with one of our own!

(I could be watching Upstairs, Downstairs instead of this, but then I'd miss Hugh Laurie.)

Cheryl Leigh said...

I'm waiting for someone's train to get caught on or stuck in that trapped door in the stage. That would be funny.

Cheryl Leigh said...

What was with that outfit on Ryan, just before he introduced Wayne Brady?

I do not get Kanye West.

Rik Mayall once said, "I'm so bored I'd rather be listening to Genesis!"

Cheryl Leigh said...

Debra Messing is one large tilted hat away from being Ascot-ready.

Cheryl Leigh said...

Yay, the Soprano did not win! Wooo hoo!

Cheryl Leigh said...


That's a rap.

abc said...

I could NOT have said any of it better myself...except that part about the football commentary as that was well over by the time the Emmys were on here...something to be said about PDT...!